Interactive Map of Beacons in the UK, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

Please note, over 90% of Beacon Events (that did NOT check the NO PUBLICITY) are on this map currently. If your Beacon can't be found straight away, please check back on this page at a later time as updates are being made constantly.

For General Public and Media:  If you know your postcode please type it in the top right of the map and press ENTER or click on the magnifying glass to see what beacons are close to your location.  If you do not know your postcode then please enter a placename, such as “Blackpool” or “Oxford”.  If your placename returns somewhere outside of United Kingdom then add the Country at the end such as “Washington, England”.

To move the map left click on the map and drag.  To zoom in or out use the plus or minus symbols on the map or if you have a scroll wheel on your mouse use that to zoom in or out.

For more help using our interactive map please scroll down the page.

Enter POSTCODE only. In order to locate an event which is local to you, add your postcode to the search bar located in the top right hand corner of the map. The map will take you to your chosen postcode area, you can then move the map with your mouse to find your closest event..

Alternatively you can click on the area of the UK which you live and zoom in and out using the + and – buttons to the left.  

You can close the Legend to the left down to see more of the map, simply click the X which is located at the top of the legend.  Don’t worry, you can re-open the legend at any time by clicking on the Legend button.

To see different map details, like roads, streets, imagery click on the Basemap button and select an option from the drop down list that opens.

Details of your local event will appear listing the registered Event Number and location.  For lighting times please visit the lighting times section.
Can't find your Beacon on the map? 

If, when searching for your event, you enter the Beacon location postcode and discover your beacon not entered, please complete the form below.

Fields marked with a * are required.
Leave this field empty
Please note your event will not appear on the map: 

  • If you opted for ‘No Publicity’ when you originally signed up
  • If your event is outside of the UK
  • If your postcode has been miss keyed when you registered your event
  • If you registered your event after April 30th.
Diamond Jubilee Beacons Ltd. registered address: 34 Melville St. Edinburgh EH3 7HA
Company Registration: SC 395 406 - VAT Registration: 108 6603 23: Diamond Jubilee Beacons Ltd. is a Not For Profit Organisation

Queen's Diamond Jubilee Emblem